The Monty Bear Website
A Website of bits and bobs to do with the famous Monty Bear.
I am Monty Bear and I live in Bournemouth, Dorset with my two human assistants.
I am about 5 years old and live with my sister Rosie and girlfriend Flora. I also have lots of friends around the place, I will introduce them to you when time permits.
I am extremely well travelled as I have to go with my 'helpers' to make sure that they don't get lost or have any accidents. I have been to Scotland, Ireland, Norway, the Lake District and Northumberland.
I am an outdoor bear and take part in lots of adventurous activities (weather permitting). I have been cross country skiing, rock climbing, invaded castles, abseiled, bungee jumped, as well as long distance walking.
I have my own specialist gear for all my activities. The flying gear comes in most useful when travelling in the Duster as this goes very fast down narrow country lanes. I also have my train driving outfit and my bikers gear.
Please follow the links see more about my adventures and interests.